Monday, 13 December 2010

Film Poster And Magazine Font Cover Mock Ups

Before we are able to create our film poster and magazine cover we have to create mock ups so that this allows us to gather an idea of what we want our finished product to look like, and also by doing this we are plan ahead by avoiding as many problems as we can.

we decided to put a background on our film poster which is unconventional. we decided to do this so that the poster wasn't too plain, although plain backgrounds are often used we wanted to use a background that you would look at and think about as it is unconventional. the idea of our poster was to include a parody, so that the poster links in well with our film. these characters are the main characters and are imitating Jack And Rose from titanic, which is the scene where jack draws a picture of rose naked. but instead the male character Buddy is drawing a cartoon character instead. We also decided to put the title in red as it emphasises the romance in the film.

for our magazine cover we decided not to use a real magazine name and to instead create our own. we decided to call ours Movie Reel. We chose this as we wanted to create a name that had the added comedy which it had in the film. the colour scheme that was chosen was red white and blue to symbolise the american theme of red white and blue. the centeral image we chose to use was the two main characters in a romantic hold. to symbolise the romance in our film. as well as our film we included our other groups film titles so that our magazine looks realistic as film magazines often advertise other films.

Film Magazine Research

As part of our coursework we need to create a film magazine front cover. As part of the research for the film magazine we looked at film magazines such as "Total Film" and "Empire" as these are two of the most popular film magazines today, also the layout of these magazine front covers are interesting and attract a lot of attention for the films.

Total film magazine uses the conventional elements to create a layout which is relevent to the new film releases coming out. this film magazine cover shows this by having the magazine title like the different sets in the film inception. As well as this the background is also the same as part of the film in inception. by having Leonardo Decapro in the middle of the film magazine it also attracts the reader to the new film that is being released.

Empire is one of the biggest film magazines that is around, the large image of megan fox also makes the magazine cover stand out as the image is large and contrasts with the simple background. The magazine title is also big and bold so it is easy to establish what the magazine is called. This film magazine also has the conventional layout where it reveals the information about new films that are being released. Also for our film magazine we decided to use the colour scheme of red blue and white for our film magazine as we believe it represents the romcom element of our film.


When finishing our research for our coursework, we knew we needed to choose a distributer, as we wanted to create an american film production, it would need to be an american film distributer. when researching other films that had the same spoof comedy elements we wanted in our films such as "juno" or "napoleon dynamite" we decided to look at these films distributers.
this then led us to the distributer Fox Searchlight pictures, this distributer has also distributed films such as "little miss sunshine" and "happy feet". we then decided that this would be our distributer as we want our film to experience the same amount of fame as films this distributer has given them.
when deciding whether to have an american distributer or a british one it became apparent that the decision to have an american distributer was because of the typical american storyline as well as the genre of spoof films and romcoms, we thought that if these types of films were american productions it is more appropriate for us to have an american distributer. As well as this it is a lot harder for a british film to break into the market so it would need american funding.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Target Audience And Age Rating

The chosen age rating for our film is 15, as a group we decided this would be our age rating as we are able to use adult humour with out offending younger audience members, by having an age rating of 15 we are able to reach a broad audience by not making our film for a specific niche audience.

The target audience that has been chosen for our group is between 15-35, by having this age rating we are able to make the spoof comedy element attract to this age range. Also we feel that this age range will appreciate the film more then any other. We have not selected a preferred gender for our film as we feel that our film will be suitable for both genders as the spoof comedy element will appeal to the male gender and the romantic side will appeal to the female gender. As well as this by making our film an american production we are aiming to attract american and a british audience so that it will appeal to both as the american characters but british romcom format allows us to do this. we looked at films to inspire us for our film and the films we liked were bridget jones and juno. these films also have an age certificate of 15.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

initial ideas and research

as a group to help develop our courswork we have developed our research. we have decided our film teaser trailer will be based on a really cheesy american romcoms that are made in america, so that we can make our parody about them. at this time we have not chosen our distributer or institutions.

we chose our characters names which are Buddy Johnson and April Day. we chose these names as we were inspired by the buddy holly song "Everyday", we liked this song but we were aware we are not allowed to copyrighted products in our teaser trailer, so we looked into the ownership of buddy holly records and found out about Decca Records, we then emailed them, but we have not heard of any reply as of yet. If using this is not possible we have also asked a student from our school to create an underscore that we would want simular to films such as "juno". as well as this as a group we have created a storyboard, and by doing this we now have time to complete our film magazine and poster mock ups.

when looking at creating our film poster and magazines we looked at different styles, different layouts and different fonts. in order to create a poster or magazine we would need a font style. we are looking at font styles that will appear in all 3 parts of our coursework and to decide what font we would like we have chosen a few examples we like. these examples are chosen from

we chose these font ideas from looking at films that have a simular genre such as "juno" "superbad" and "napoleon dynamite" as these films are the types of films we wish to paradoy.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Research On RomCom Film Posters

this is the film poster for "what happens in Vegas"the film is about a couple who get married in vegas, the image of the couple shows them getting along and enjoying the rlationship they have. the female and male characters on the front show that is is a rom by the way they are holding each other. the title "get lucky" shows that they are not actually in love.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Initial Coursework Ideas

For my A2 coursework, i am still remaining in the same group as i did before and as a group and looking at many different teaser trailer examples and genres, we decided that our genre would be a Romantic Comedy. to be more accurate we are doing a spoof romantic comedy, with a slight satire to mock romcoms as they appear now. as a group we chose the title "wrongcom" and have based our ideas upon that. we chose this title as it is a play on words and it empashises the comedy in our coursework.

as well as creating a teaser trailer , our group will also be creating a film poster and a film magazine front cover that covers our "film" collectively as a group we decided to research,create and produce our advanced portfolio with a different genre to our foundation portfolio, as it allows new ideas and different techniques to be used. for the plot line of our film. we are not using the stereotypical, good looking characters we are using characters that are not good looking, that are not expected to be in this genre of film.

Features of a Film Magazine

there are certain features that appear on a film magazine, these features are:
  • a masthead
  • a centeral image
  • smaller images of other features in the magazine
  • coverlines
  • taglines
  • Different font types appropriate to the advertisement
  • colour scheme
  • mode of address

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Features Of Teaser Trailer

A teaser trailer will have a hint of what the film is about and reveals a small glimpse of film to the audience
It will make the audience want to find out more if nothing is given away.
It will make the audience speculate and talk about the film.
It will reveal the date/season it is released.
They are of a short length
It will reveal the genre and mise-en scene
They are released a long time before the release date
It will often contain images not from the actual film.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Final Film Opening

this is our Final Version of our film opening. i feel that we have acheived what we wanted to achieve within our film opening.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

The Directors Commentary

The final part to add to our film opening was our directors commentary. as a group we were given a sheet of paper with questions to answer. as a group we then decided we would split the questions up so that everyone could answer at least on e question each as everyone had to speak on the directors commentary. before we split up the questions we went through all of the questions and decided that some of them were not suitable for the directors commentary so we will then be evaluating them in our blogs. once we had decided who was doing each question we then wrote down our answers and began to practice them as we were not allowed to sound scripted this was hard for us as we had to speak in detail and it meant learning it. we continued to do this for a few times then we began recording and carried on untill we believed we had got it right. we then uploaded our commentary oneto the computer and listened to them we then realised that amys one was missing so while she re recorded we uploaded the others onto pinnicle studios we then cut parts so that they fitted into the part of the opening correctly we also added screen grabes to show what our directors commentary was talking about. after this we then added in extra screen grabes because our speech was alot longer then the opening. once amy had re recorded hers we then added that in and completed our directors commentary. this proved not to be as stressful as making the film opening had been.


For my evaluation i will be answering 3 questions which will evaluate the film opening our group hs made i will be doing these seperately as we have answered the other questions in our directors commentary.

How did you attract/adress your audience?

to attract our target audience we first had to think of an age group and gender to attract. we looked closely at our film story line nd opening and discussed what would be most suitable after discussing we then decided that from the ages of 15 and above to young adults would be best we also decided it would be better for girls. from creating our film opening we decided this because we thought that the opening would be interesting so we then hoped other girls our age would also find our opening intresting. we also had been researching seeing what the most popular films for our age group were. we then saw that thrillers were. This was because most young people love the idea of escapism and the feeling you get when you watch it, you become scared worried you get an adrenaline rush even though you know your safe. Also from watching films in class we then saw that our class mates also enjoyed thriller and horror the most. Another factor we used to attract our audience was the steorotypical stalker storyline. we decided on a man stalking woman storyline. this was chosen as it is most likely to happen today. it is often heard about on the news and such things so it would also be interesting for young girls. another way that we hoped to attract the audience would be the age of our actors these being in the same age bracket 16-17 years. while discussing and thinking about other factors to attract our audience to our thriller opening we looked at the thriller conventions that are used. we decided for our opening scene to start with the stalkers point of view and how he is stalking her while she is unaware. this would then hopefully show that the way the begining is set att out it will put the audience at an un ease. as its not natural. also this way you know he is stalking her but you dont find out why which would make you want to carry on watching the film. these are some of the ways we used our opening to attract our audience.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

from the begining of this project myself and our group have learnt a great deal more about the technologies that are involved. If we were to start from the begining the first thing we had to learn about was the camera, we looked closely at the angles we wanted in our film opening so we had to learn how to shoot them for example if we were doing a point of view shot we were not allowed to zoom in, because the persons eyes would not zoom, we learnt this after our first filming session and had to re film that part, we also used the tripod to achieve different shots that we wanted, our filming was a success as we only had to film twice as we had lost some of our footage due to someone rewinding the tape. next we had to develope our knowledge with pinnicle studios, we have used ti previously for our preliminary task but we had to use more editing functions such as transitions and fonts and slowing a part of a scene down. when we edited our work in pinnicle it was best that we worked as a team because everyone had different ways of how they liked it so we had to decide as a team what worked best in the end. another part of technologie we learnt about was the edi-role. we used this when we recorded our directors commentary, we had to figure out how to upload it into pinnicle and cut at certain points. for the music we found a non copywrited website and looked through many pieces of music and decided on one we believed fitted the most. we then uploaded it onto pinnicle and edited it so it fitted in with the opening. overall from constructing our film opening i have learnt many new skills. i am now more aware of a camera and what you can not do when filming certain shots.and to never delete film off the camera or re wind the tape. in pinnicle it was a whole new expirence but i know feel i can use it anid be confident with it. and the many different ways you can edit a shot. such as cutting down a scene or making it longer.

Looking back at your Preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

when i look back at our preliminary task i can see how we have progressed as a group and also me on my own. one of the main things we made sure that we had no continuety errors. as we did have one in our preliminary task but we managed to cover up. Also we looked at our camera angles we could use in our film opening. we used different and more extreme camera angles such as titled camera angles and extreme close ups.These helped our film opening look more effective and created more tension then to film it normally. As well as this when we were editing our film in pinnicle studios we then learnt new ways of editing we hadnt known before such as the zooming in and out of shots. as well as this we then also learnt how slowing down a shot can make it fit in more with the thriller conventions by adding suspense. from our preliminary task we learnt and made sure we followed the 180 degree rule this was something we knew we could not break. when we did our preliminary task we focused mainly on making sure we did not break the rules while doing our film opening we had to think about whole reasons why the opening would be happening and what the whole film would be about. other factors that went into our film opening that did not go into our preliminary task were our audience and deciding who would be the target audience as we did not have to think about this in our preliminary task. Creating an anamatic storyboard was also new to me and our group as we had never done this before but we worked well as a group and completed it this then helped us film our opening more smoothly as we had a better idea of how we needed each shot.

I feel that i and our group have progressed a lot from our preliminary task, because of all the new skills we have learnt each factor that went into filming our opening allowed us to do that. i hope our final piece shows that we have improved by what we have learnt from our opening. i feel that if we were given a longer time then 2 minutes and a longer period of time to film we may have been able to improve even more so if we were able to do this again it would be interesting to see what we will be able to improve on as a group and individualy.