Sunday, 13 December 2009

Editing Our Opening

This week we were able to start to to edit our film opening. before we were even able to begin editing our group had another problem. Our laptop. this problem was that when we were uploading our film to pinnacle studios the frames kept dropping this meaning as we watched each take it was go in double time like it was in fast forward mode. we tried to re upload it but we then finally decided that after waisting this import time it was better to give up and switch laptops. we decided as we were desperatly running out of time we should split up. this worked by me and charlotte looking at the background music to go into the film opening and deciding what we should use. while Amy and Chloe re uploaded the film opening.
While they did this me and charlotte went onto a non copywrited website to choose the music we wanted to use for the film opening. we found 5 ones that we liked we then let amy and chloe listen to them and as a group finally decided that "Mystery Killer" fitted our film opening the most so we put it onto the memory stick to upload later. the good thing was that while we had done this amy and chloe had managed to upload the opening to pinnacle which came with yet another problem that our clips had all merged together it was still okay but it meant that to edit our film opening it just took a bit more time than planned. another thing, due to our laptop not working we lost the scenes from our first filming session, this meant that we had to use the only scenes from our second attempt at filming. we managed to film the shots in order so this helped us alot as we were able to put transitions in between the takes. one of the main editing parts we had to was to slow down the zoom on the clock. we did this by making the timing of this shot longer which made it slower. finally our editing had all paid off as we had managed to finish our film opening. but once again we had one final problem which came when we had changed our film into a M.peg our own logo we had created made it not work as a M.peg we had to then remove it for it to play.

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